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Monstera Deliciosa
Monstera deliciosa, also known as the Swiss cheese plant, Mexican breadfruit, or hurricane plant, is prized for the deep glossy green foliage and charmingly irregular holes when older.
The Monsteria plant is fairly easy to care for and maintain but will need extra space to grow as it gets bigger.
This plan adds a beautiful tropical touch and brightens your room or office!
Details Monstera deliciosa (Swiss Cheese plant)
Ideal houseplant
Very easy to grow
Decorative Foliage
Leaf colour: Green
Full grown height: 1. 50 – 2 m
Full grown width: 75 – 100 cm
Plant location: partial sunny location
Hardiness: Not hardy
How to take care of Monsteria plant:
Place your Monsteria plant in a bright spot but avoid direct sunlight, do not place near radiators and avoid drafts.
Allow the soil to dry out slightly between each watering, mist plants regularly.
Provide humidity by placing Monsteria plant on a tray of gravel or stones; fill the tray with water so that the bottom pebbles rest in the water and the top ones are dry. By keeping the tray constantly half-filled with water, a nice humid environment will be created that your plant will love.
Fertilise your plant monthly throughout the growing season with fertilizer diluted to half strength.
Additional info
Double the size
50% more flowers
As Picture